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articles and profiles:

“Would Lexington be Prepared to Receive Migrants?,” appearance on WKYT evening news, September 16, 2022.

“Professor and Historian Eladio Bobadilla,” appearance on the “Rick Smith Show,” June 9, 2022.

“Who Was Cesar Chavez? The Impact and Legacy He Left Behind,” in “Two Americas” by Scripps Media (April 2022).

“Remembering Immigrant Defender Bert Corona,” in The Progressive (February 2022).

“Hey, Activists: Walls Work, That’s Why We Tear Them Down” in Impakter (May 2021).

“Episode 18,” appearance on the “You Don’t Know History” podcast (April 2021).

“S4E9,” appearance on “Sobre La Mesa” on RadioLex (April 2021).

“Other Voices: “‘We’re Still Here’: A Discussion of Farmworkers’ Struggles Past and Present” in The Bakersfield Californian (March 12, 2021).

“Episode 40,” appearance on the “Piled High and Deep” podcast (March 2021).

“Volume 1, Track 3,” appearance on the “Liner Notes” podcast (March 2021).

“Biden and the Democrats Won Big: There Is No Excuse for Inaction on Immigration” in Latino Rebels (January 2021).

“History and U.S. Protests” on the “Behind the Blue” podcast (July 30, 2020).

“During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Immigrant Farmworkers are Heroes” in the Washington Post (March 2020, subscription may be required).

“COVID-19 and Trump’s Racist Rhetoric” in Common Dreams (March 2020).

“From Poverty to Professor” in the Weber State Annual Report (November 2019 profile).

“Immigration, ‘Latinx,’ and Guns Laws” appearance on “The Samurai Lowrider” podcast (October 2019).

“El Paso Massacre Has Impact on Latino Community” appearance in ABC News (August 2019).

“Don’t Be Outraged They’re Being Called Concentration Camps. Be Outraged They Exist” in Latino Rebels (June 2019).

“‘There’s Always Hope’: Eladio Bobadilla Went from Almost Failing out of High School to Earning a Duke Ph.D.” in the Duke Chronicle (April 2019 profile).

“Immigration Law, Mexican Americans, and Undocumented Immigrants, 1954-Present” in History Now (October 2018, subscription may be required).

“Duke Is Getting Koch Money:  That Should Worry You” in the Duke Chronicle (September 2018).

“Key Findings: What History Reveals about Wise Immigration Policy” policy brief for the Scholars Strategy Network (August 2018).

“Creating a Humanitarian Crisis While Ignoring U.S. History” (June 2018) in The Durham Herald-Sun.

“No Time Like the Present: AHA18 and Life Under Trump” (February 2018) in Perspectives in History.

“‘It’s Giving Back to the Community’: Historians of Race and Ethnicity Should Take Sports Seriously” in the IEHS Newsletter (November 3, 2017)

“The ‘Alt-Right’: We Need Courage and Truth, Not False Equivalencies” in Common Dreams (September 10, 2017).

“Don’t End DACA, Pass Comprehensive Reform” in The (Durham) Herald Sun (September 8, 2017).

“Five Questions with Eladio Bobadilla on Immigration and Catholic History” (April 2017) with the Cushwa Center at the University of Notre Dame.

“‘What It Means to be a Citizen’: Student Veterans in History Classrooms” in Perspectives in History (January 2017).

“Responding to Resistance: Faculty and Administrators of Color Analyze Student Movements at the Annual Meeting” in Perspectives in History (February 2016).

Duke Campaign Stop blog series (2016).

AHA Today blog series (2015-2016).

“The GOP’s Suicidal Politics” in the Raleigh News and Observer (November 5, 2015).

“Industrial Commission Losses Will Hurt Workers” in the Raleigh News and Observers (August 2014, subscription may be required).

Eladio Bobadilla: Weber 125 (2014 profile).